Newsletter Dec 2022
Bulletin ACPD-CALT Bulletin
December 19 2022 decembre 19
Become a CALT member Devenir membre de l'ACPD
- Constitutional Crossroads Conference at Allard
- New Book by Prof. S. van Praagh (25% off)
- Baxter Family Federalism competition (students & early career)
Items relevant to teaching and learning in legal education can be sent by members to [email protected] re: ACPD-CALT Bulletin. We post positions available in the Canadian legal academy on our website when they come to our attention.
Nous publions les postes disponibles dans l'académie juridique canadienne sur notre siteweb lorsqu'ils sont portés à notre attention. Les nouvelles pertinents à l'enseignement et à l'apprentissage en éducation juridique peuvent être envoyés à [email protected] au sujet de: Bulletin ACPD CALT.
Read moreNewsletter Oct 2022
Bulletin ACPD-CALT Bulletin
October 2022 Octobre
matières - contents
- CALT Awards - Les prix ACPD
- New colleagues in the Canadian legal academy - Nouveaux collègues dans l'académie juridique canadienne: Allard
- Congress 2023 Congrès Call / Appel
- External Announcements - Annonces externes
Items relevant to teaching and learning in legal education can be sent to [email protected] re: ACPD-CALT Bulletin.
Les nouvelles pertinents à l'enseignement et à l'apprentissage en éducation juridique peuvent être envoyés à [email protected] au sujet de: Bulletin ACPD CALT.
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a short reading list on Student Evaluation of Teaching
Student Evaluations of Teaching: A Short, Annotated, List of Resources
June 2022
Download a .docx version here.
(important additions? write to [email protected] or [email protected])
Ryerson University v Ryerson Faculty Association, [2018] 2018 CanLII 58446.
Decision limiting use Ryerson can make of SETs in T&P decisions. See Freishtat and Stark Expert Reports, below. |
ACADEMIC ARTICLES Student evaluations are an intensely studied area, particularly in disciplines which make use of statistical tools. The volume of published material is truly astounding. There are also a number of new studies which try to evaluate the impact of moving to online teaching on evaluations. What follows is a very small selection.
Lavallee, Jaime, “How To Be Biased in the Classroom: Kwayeskastasowin - Setting Things Right?” (2022) 48:3 Mitchell Hamline Law Review, online: <>. |
A new-to-the-legal-academy female Cree-Metis teacher describes and analyzes her experience and approach teaching a new mandatory course in Indigenous law, and what she found in her course evaluations. See also La Touche et al, below, on the question of impact on instructors. |
Lazos, Sylvia R, “Are Student Teaching Evaluations Holding Back Women and Minorities?: The Perils of ‘Doing’ Gender and Race in the Classroom” in Gabriella Gutiérrez y Muhs et al, eds, Presumed Incompetent: The Intersections of Race and Class for Women in Academia (Utah State University Press, 2012). |
An effort to summarize the plethora of studies suggesting problems with how students evaluate instructors who are women and/or minorities if they talk about gender and race in the classroom. |
Abel, Richard L, “Evaluating Evaluations: How Should Law Schools Judge Teaching?” (1990) 40:4 Journal of Legal Education 407–465, online: <>. |
An older piece from a CLS inclined professor. |
Fisher, Warwick et al, “Student evaluations: Pedagogical tools, or weapons of choice?” (2020) 30:1 Legal Education Review, online: <>. |
Australian context. |
Ho, Daniel E & Timothy H Shapiro, “Evaluating Course Evaluations: An Empirical Analysis of a Quasi-Experiment at the Stanford Law School, 2000-2007” (2008) 58:3 Journal of Legal Education 388–412, online: <>. |
An effort to evaluate reliability and validity on the occasion of a change in method of administration (to online) and change in wording of some questions. Concludes that these changes rendered the results under the old method and new method incompatible for comparison. |
Kreitzer, Rebecca J. & Sweet-Cushman, Jennie (2022). Evaluating Student Evaluations of Teaching: a Review of Measurement and Equity Bias in SETs and Recommendations for Ethical Reform. Journal of Academic Ethics 20 (1):73-84. |
Recent meta-study of evaluations,. Illustrates complex and multi-directional findings around gender and race in evaluation, indicating that downgrading female and/or POC instructors might not be the only impact that can be seen from SETs. |
Lubicz-Nawrocka, Tanya & Kieran Bunting, “Student perceptions of teaching excellence: an analysis of student-led teaching award nomination data” (2019) 24:1 Teaching in Higher Education 63–80, online: <>. |
A potentially useful illustration of how student responses to what “excellent” teaching is tend to cluster, using data from student-led teaching award nominations. No gender/race analysis but perhaps helpful in understanding what students appreciate and why we might be helped by hearing positive feedback from students. |
Reverter, Antonio et al, “Unravelling student evaluations of courses and teachers” (2020) 7:1 Cogent Education 1771830, online: <>. |
A recent study looking at the evaluations at an Australian economics school concludes “The overall teaching rating awarded to academics clusters most with approachability and encouragement of student input—aspects of temperament and style—and not with explanatory skill or organisational ability.” |
Tevis, Britt P & K E Powell, “Student Evaluations of Teaching: An Unlawful Barrier to Women’s Professional Advancement in Australian Universities” (2019) 37 39. |
Australian article taking on the impact of teaching evaluations on professional advancement for women. |
Cashin, William E. Student ratings of teaching: A summary of the research. Center for Faculty Evaluation & Development, Division of Continuing Education, Kansas State University, 1988.
An example of a study finding that gender and race do not play a role in teaching evaluations. |
La Touche R, Kowalchuk L, Wijesingha R. (Re)Prioritizing Pedagogic Feedback: Faculty Experiences with Qualitative Comments from Student Evaluations of Teaching (SETs) A Report Prepared for the Canadian Sociological Association (CSA).; 2020. |
Read with Lavallee, above. Focused on how faculty receive the qualitative comments made by students on SETs. |
Freishtat, Richard L, Expert Report on Student Evaluations of Teaching (SET), by Richard L Freishtat (2016).
Expert Report prepared for the Ryerson arbitration |
Stark PB. Expert Report on Student Evaluations of Teaching (Faculty Course Surveys) Prepared for The Ryerson Faculty Association and The Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Association.; 2016. |
Expert Report prepared for the Ryerson arbitration |
Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations. OCUFA Briefing Note on Student Questionnaires.; n.d. |
Report of the OCUFA Student Questionnaires on Courses and Teaching Working Group. Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations; 2019. |
Ontario Faculty Association Agreements: Student Questionnaires and Peer Evaluation of Teaching. Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations; 2019. |
Survey of Ontario Faculty agreements and what they say about SETs / Peer Evaluation of teaching. |
Validity and Equity Problems in Law School Teaching Evaluations, Faculty Conferences: Northwestern Pritzker School of Law.; 2022. Accessed June 12, 2022. |
Video of a recent panel discussion on this issue hosted by Northwestern. |
Dalhousie University, “Holistic Evaluation of Teaching Policy”, online: Dalhousie University <>. |
Description of an effort to revamp evaluations of teaching to reduce reliance on SETs. |
WHY (how) DO WE DO STUDENT EVALUATIONS? How a selection of universities explain what they are doing when they do SETs.
Berkeley Law, “Teaching Evaluation Procedures”, online: Berkeley Law <>. |
University of Ottawa, “Evaluation of teaching and courses”, online: University of Ottawa <>. |
University of Toronto Faculty of Law, “Course Evaluations | Academic Handbook”, online: <>. |
University of Western Ontario Faculty of Law, “Academic Policies and Procedures”, online: |
York University, “Course Evaluations”, online: <>. |
NOT JUST FOR T&P: A reminder of how students use SETs sometimes…
“The Canons Big Book of Course Reviews: 2022-23 Edition”, Canons of Construction (University of Alberta Faculty of Law Student Newspaper) (17 March 2022), online: <>. |
UBC Allard School of Law: Indigenous Faculty Position (Deadline Nov 14 2022)
Peter A. Allard School of Law University of British Columbia
Tenure-Track or Tenured Indigenous Faculty Appointment
See job ad on the Allard UBC Law website here or text below.
The Peter A. Allard School of Law at the University of British Columbia seeks to recruit an outstanding Indigenous faculty member and invites applications from Indigenous candidates for a full-time tenuretrack or tenured appointment, ideally at the rank of Assistant or Associate Professor. It is hoped that the position will commence July 1, 2023, subject to negotiation with the successful candidate. The successful candidate will be appointed to the rank appropriate to their qualifications and experience. Salary will be commensurate with qualifications. The position is subject to budgetary approval.
Read more
Workshop Report: Incorporating Disability into the Law School Curriculum
CALT is really grateful to this amazing group of professors who brought us a wonderful workshop on Incorporating disability into the curriculum on June 29 2022.
- David Lepofsky – Disability Advocate, Adjunct Professor of Law, University of Toronto and Chair of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act Alliance
- Laverne Jacobs – Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Windsor and lead author and General Editor Law and Disability in Canada: Cases and Materials. Lexis Nexis 2021.
Co Authors
- Odelia Bay – PhD Student, Osgoode Hall Law School, York University
- Ruby Dhand – Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, Thompson Rivers University
- David Ireland – Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Manitoba
- Richard Jochelson – Dean, Faculty of Law, University of Manitoba
- Freya Kodar – Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Victoria
Anna Lund, Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Alberta (moderator)
David Lepofsky opened the session, describing his report on this topic, originally written for Osgoode Hall Law School and soon to be published in the Windsor Yearbook of Access to Justice as a paper. David noted that he’s given talks at many schools on this topic and welcomes requests to do so – just reach out.
The lead author of Law and Disability: Cases and Materials, Laverne Jacobs (also the 2022 winner of CALT’s Academic Excellence Award!) spoke about the aims and scope of book (available here, tell your librarian and your colleagues), which she noted was “inspired by the notable absence of material about the lives of people with disabilities in law school curricula”. She described it, in part, as a “necessary part of cultural competency of students, disabled and non disabled alike”.
Describing how she brings disability into the public law context, Dr. Jacobs (who teaches, inter alia, Admin law) suggested two practical tips. First, reread an older case in light of changes in the law. She suggested Eldridge v. British Columbia (Attorney General), [1997] 3 S.C.R. 624, with which many will be familiar, which could be reread to ask whether the Medical Commission properly exercised discretion when it did not include sign language translation on the list of funded services. Next, she suggested that a more recent case like Vavilov could be read with a disability lens. Students can be asked to outline the actual impact on people with disabilities, people who access many statutory regimes of benefit provision, for instance. She also recommended, in the area of equality and human rights law, Disability Rights Coalition v. Nova Scotia (Attorney General), 2021 NSCA 70 (CanLII), <> , noting that it focuses on evidentiary requirements which are often important in disability related cases.
Odelia Bay, a sessional instructor in labour law and PhD candidate at Osgoode Hall Law School talked about how she uses her classroom to model accessibility and contrast it with accommodation, working in her teaching to assume that all her students are people with disabilities. She also establishes the difference between social and individual/medical models of disability and how these produce different legal analyses and outcomes. She noted in particular the complexities of episodic disabilities, cases which challenge the idea of predictability in disability and “accommodation”, pointing to some a case she takes up in her contribution to the volume which involves the return to work of a person with bipolar disorder and the labour arbitration over what accommodations were required. She noted that cases also offer the possibility of a discussion of social class and private support. In the case she takes up, the person making the claim was a professor, and the final outcome included insurance payouts which lessened the financial cost of accommodation for the university. But in many cases, people with disabilities will not have this kind of support.
Freya Kodar teaches in the areas of income support law, pension law, social welfare law and tort law. Her engagement with disability analysis focuses on the ways that income support law provides income support across life course, but raises many questions about the adequacy of that support. She particularly noted her efforts to ensure that students are able to problematize the need (in legal contexts) to present disability in a negative light in order to qualify for support. Students can work on identifying the ways that this fits with the medical model and differs profoundly from how a disability justice approach or a social model/critical model might frame the issue.
David Ireland and Richard Jochelson wrote about disability in the criminal law context, considering in particular jury representations for people with disabilities (pointing out that in the case of Indigenous people in Canada, the percentage of people identifying as disabled seems to be higher and perhaps substantially higher than the 1 in 5 usually cited for the rest of the Canadian population) and then the work done at inquests into deaths in state “care”, considering not only deaths in custody, but a other contexts as well. Their contribution also considers how mental and physical disability plays a role (or does not) in sentencing decisions. Like many of the presenters, these two emphasized the need to alert students to the failings of the legal profession in its own approaches to access and accommodation.
Finally, Ruby Dhand, who teaches mental health law spoke about her work in teaching this substantive content of mental health law (which, as she pointed out, intersects with a huge number of overlapping legal areas including human rights law, clinical legal education, health law, criminal law) as well as in furthering discussions about and importance of mental health in the profession. Prof Dhand pointed to the importance of encouraging students to use a trauma informed lens in their own work as lawyers.
This discussion and this book highlight the ways that “disability” issues pervade our law, and people with disabilities are users of all of the doctrine and systems that are used by the non-disabled – with some systems uniquely focused on people with disabilities. Thus the necessity of including this material and habituating our students to thinking about the way that disability is and should be treated in law seems clear. Equally, we are teaching in spaces that include people with disabilities and thus must think about our own practices with respect to disability and access. Finally our students, whether living with disabilities or not and whether planning to practice something that we might label “disability law” or not, must be prepared to have people with disabilities as their clients and colleagues and to respond in professional and appropriate ways to different needs and concern.
CALT is very grateful to all of the presenters in this workshop for their published work and their daily ongoing work to foreground and support the work of access and inclusion in form and practice.
Workshop Wednesday July 20 2022 @2PM EST
OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY: A Primer and Strategic Mapping Exercise
Wednesday July 20, 2022 2:00PM EST
You will need to register in advance for this meeting by clicking here.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
The COVID-19 pandemic has put worker health and safety at the forefront of the news. Over half the workforce of Cargill’s meatpacking plant in High River, Alberta contracted the virus, resulting in at least three deaths. SEIU Healthcare, a union representing front line workers, asked police to investigate after three personal care attendants died from COVID-19, which they had contracted at work. Occupational health and safety law is intended to ensure that workplaces are safe, but not many lawyers have any familiarity with it. Few law schools offer dedicated occupational health and safety courses, while in some others OHS may be touched upon in a related course, but in most the topic is entirely absent from the curriculum. This session aims to provide law professors teaching in adjacent areas of law (e.g., labour & employment; business associations law) with knowledge and strategies for incorporating basic occupational health and safety law into their courses.
The goals of this session are two fold:
- To provide law professors with a primer on occupational health and safety law, so that they feel more comfortable incorporating it into their classes, and
- To provide law professors with space to consider where and how they might incorporate materials on occupational health and safety into their courses.
Anna Lund (Moderator), Associate Professor at University of Alberta, Faculty of Law
Eric Tucker (Presenter), Professor at Osgoode Hall Law School, York University
Eric Tucker will deliver the primer on occupational health and safety law. Eric Tucker has published extensively on occupational health and safety law and teaches a dedicated seminar on the subject at Osgoode Hall Law School. His primer will cover the following questions
- What are the key policy goals of occupational health and safety law? What are the big ideas that illuminate this area?
- What are key sources of occupational health and safety law? What resources could a law professor draw on to learn more about it?
- Why is it important for students to understand occupational health and safety law? In what circumstances will they encounter it in practice?
- What are some of the new and current questions in occupational health and safety law and scholarship?
Attendees at this session will be invited to take part in a mapping exercise.
First, they will be asked to identify where they may already be covering occupational health and safety law in their courses.
Next, they will be invited to consider where they might try to incorporate it more substantively in future iterations of their course.
Workshop Wednesdays: July 6 2022 12PM Eastern
The Open Casebook Revolution
Please register in advance for this meeting by clicking here. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. |
The open access law book “revolution” (as named by The Faculty Lounge), is gaining momentum. Open access law books are materials compiled and edited for law students, practitioners and/or the public that are freely hosted on websites and as downloadable, searchable, printable, mark-up-able PDFs. In the United States, dozens of open access law casebooks are popping up on platforms such as SSRN, Open Textbook Library, eLangdell and H2O.
In Canada, CanLII hosts Professor Beswick’s casebook, Tort Law: Cases and Commentaries, and Messrs
Fiddick and Wardell’s handbook, The CanLII Manual to British Columbia Civil Litigation. These materials are freely available alternatives to commercial cas
ebooks and handbooks, which are typically expensive, heavy, and have a short shelf-life.
Open access law books have clear practical, pedagogical and societal advantages. On the practical side, compared to commercial alternatives, open access books are simpler to edit, faster to publish, easier to update, and free. On the pedagogical side, they empower flexibility and innovation. They can be more readily structured to suit the editor’s teaching aims. They can link to podcasts 🎧, videos 📺, blogs, news, articles, books, and judgments. Readers can keyword search and highlight text. Students don’t break their backs carrying them. They can also be integrated with quizzes and exam exercises. On the social side, open access legal materials advance access to justice. Commercial materials are often beyond the reach of the public and, in some cases, students.
Open access legal publications help to keep the law accessible.
This roundtable will appraise and praise the practical, pedagogical and societal benefits of open access law books for law teachers, students and lawyers. We will begin by taking 10 minutes each to highlight the design innovations of our respective books and the impact we see them having.
We will then discuss among ourselves and with attendees the tricks and challenges for making such materials. We hope to encourage others to venture into creating open access casebooks, handbooks and other resources for students and curious members of the public.
Sarah Sutherland (session chair), President and CEO, Canadian Legal Information Institute
- Samuel Beswick, Assistant Professor, Peter A. Allard School of Law, University of British Columbia (presentation slides)
- John Fiddick, Director, Whitelaw Twining.
- Cameron Wardell, Partner, Mathews, Dinsdale & Clark LLP
June 29 1230-2PM EST
Please register in advance for this meeting: click here. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. |
22% of Canadians over the age of 15 have at least one disability. Graduates of law schools will serve clients with disabilities, work alongside colleagues with disabilities and may themselves have or acquire disabilities over the course of their career. Key competencies for graduating law students include being familiar with how the law conceptualizes and addresses disability and having frameworks to critique the shortcomings of the existing law.
The aims of this session are
(1) to provide concrete examples of how topics relevant to meeting the legal needs of individuals with disabilities can be incorporated into a wide range of courses across the law school curriculum and
(2) to engage law professors in a discussion of these topics. Each participant will discuss a different area of law and how they bring awareness of the lived experiences of persons with disabilities into their classroom teaching.
The session will touch on:
- models of disability and theoretical underpinnings
- equality and human rights law
- accessibility legislation (including the federal Accessible Canada Act)
- employment law
- benefits law
- criminal law
- tort law
- administrative law
- mental health law
Time will be reserved after the roundtable for a dialogue among participants and attendees.
The session participants include the contributors to Law and Disability in Canada: Cases and Materials (Toronto: Lexis Nexis Canada, 2021) and David Lepofsky, a longtime disability rights activist, who has a forthcoming article in the Windsor Yearbook on Access to Justice entitled, “People with Disabilities Need Lawyers Too! A Ready-To-Use Plan for Law Schools to Educate Law Students to Effectively Serve the Legal Needs of Clients with Disabilities, As Well As Clients Without Disabilities”.
Anna Lund, Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Alberta (moderator)
- Odelia Bay – PhD Student, Osgoode Hall Law School, York University and co-author Law and Disability in Canada: Cases and Materials
- Ruby Dhand – Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, Thompson Rivers University and co-author Law and Disability in Canada: Cases and Materials.
- David Ireland – Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Manitoba and co-author Law and Disability in Canada: Cases and Materials.
- Laverne Jacobs – Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Windsor and lead author and General Editor, Law and Disability in Canada: Cases and Materials.
- Richard Jochelson – Dean, Faculty of Law, University of Manitoba and co-author Law and Disability in Canada: Cases and Materials
- Freya Kodar – Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Victoria and co-author Law and Disability in Canada: Cases and Materials.
- David Lepofsky – Disability Advocate, Adjunct Professor of Law, University of Toronto and Chair of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act Alliance.
Newsletter May 2022
Bulletin ACPD-CALT Bulletin
May 2022 mai
matières - contents
2. ACPD-CALT cours d'été | summer sessions:- Part of the solution: cultivating student well-being in the law school classroom 8 June
- Workshop on evaluations of teaching 15 June
Items relevant to teaching and learning in legal education can be sent to [email protected] re: ACPD-CALT Bulletin. Les nouvelles pertinents à l'enseignement et à l'apprentissage en éducation juridique peuvent être envoyés à [email protected] au sujet de: Bulletin ACPD CALT.
Read more
Newsletter Feb 2022
ACPD-CALT Bulletin
March 2022 mars
matières - contents
1. Mise à jour de la colloque 2022 / Update on Conference 2022
2. CIAJ-ICAJ L’honorable Rosalie Silberman Abella : une vie d’avant-garde Les 12 et 13 mai 2022 | The Honourable Rosalie Silberman Abella: A Life of Firsts May 12-13, 2022
3. Domestic Violence in the Law School Curriculum Survey (English only)
4. Research Survey Professeur(e), how are you doing? A survey on linguistic diversity and quality of life at work among university professors | Sondage: Professeur(e), how are you doing? Une étude sur la diversité linguistique et la qualité de vie au travail des professeur·e·s d'université
Items relevant to teaching and learning in legal education can be sent to [email protected] re: ACPD-CALT Bulletin. | Les nouvelles pertinents à l'enseignement et à l'apprentissage en éducation juridique peuvent être envoyés à [email protected] au sujet de : ACPD CALT Bulletin
UPDATE: CALT 2022 Conference & AGM
Instead of holding a traditional multi-day conference, we plan to hold a one-day virtual event on Wednesday 8 June, including our AGM, followed by a weekly series of virtual sessions over the remainder of June. The one-day event will be organized by the CALT conference committee. For the weekly sessions, a Call for Proposals will be released shortly, inviting members to propose sessions that they will undertake, with the logistical and promotional support of CALT. If there is sufficient interest, further occasional virtual sessions could be scheduled during July and August.
This decision has been taken following consideration of the results of the poll of members relating to participation in a proposed virtual or hybrid conference, as well as notification from ACCLE that they are not proceeding with an in-person component to their proposed conference in the week of 6 June. We still hope to collaborate with ACCLE on the 8 June event.
Mise à jour de la colloque 2022
Au lieu de tenir une conférence traditionnelle de plusieurs jours, nous prévoyons d'organiser un événement virtuel d'une journée le mercredi 8 juin, y compris notre AGA, suivi d'une série hebdomadaire de sessions virtuelles pendant le reste du mois de juin. L'événement d'une journée sera organisé par le comité de la conférence ACPD. Pour les sessions hebdomadaires, un appel à propositions sera lancé prochainement, invitant les membres à proposer des sessions qu'ils réaliseront, avec le soutien logistique et promotionnel du ACPD. Si l'intérêt est suffisant, d'autres sessions virtuelles occasionnelles pourraient être programmées en juillet et août.
Cette décision a été prise après examen des résultats du sondage des membres concernant la participation à une proposition de conférence virtuelle ou hybride, ainsi que la notification de l'ACECD qu'ils ne procèdent pas à une composante en personne de leur proposition de conférence dans la semaine du 6 juin. Nous espérons toujours collaborer avec l'ACECD sur l'événement du 8 juin.
The Honourable Rosalie Silberman Abella: A Life of Firsts – May 12-13, 2022
The uOttawa Public Law Centre, the Canadian Institute for the Administration of Justice, the Human Rights Research and Education Centre, and The Advocates’ Society invite you to come together and celebrate the remarkable career legacy – and exceptional life! – of the Honourable Rosalie Silberman Abella.
This event will take place in person in Ottawa and online, in the presence of our guest of honour. Some 65 speakers, who are key players in the justice system from across Canada and abroad, will examine her influence on law and society.
We hope to see you all there to pay tribute to this outstanding woman and jurist, who has left her imprint at so many levels!
Location: In person at Delta Hotel Ottawa City Centre, and online (live streaming)
Cocktail: May 11th, 2022, National Gallery of Canada
Full brochure and registration form:
L’honorable Rosalie Silberman Abella : une vie d’avant-garde – Les 12 et 13 mai 2022
Le Centre de droit public de l’Université d’Ottawa, l’Institut canadien d’administration de la justice, le Centre de recherche et d’enseignement sur les droits de la personne et la Société des plaideurs vous invitent à célébrer la remarquable carrière – et la vie exceptionnelle ! – de l’honorable Rosalie Silberman Abella.
Cette célébration aura lieu en personne à Ottawa et en ligne, en présence de notre invitée d’honneur. Plus de 65 acteurs clés du système de justice du Canada et d’ailleurs y prendront la parole afin de mettre en lumière son influence sur le droit et la société.
Nous espérons que vous y viendrez en grand nombre afin de rendre à cette femme et juriste hors du commun un hommage à sa mesure.
À très bientôt,
Lieu : en personne à l’hôtel Delta Ottawa City Centre, et en ligne (diffusion en direct)
Cocktail : le 11 mai, au Musée des Beaux-Arts du Canada
Programme et formulaire d’inscription :
CALT member Jennifer Koshan (UCalgary) shares this survey on domestic violence and legal education for a project she is involved in. If you are able, please complete the survey as soon as possible - it will close in late March.
Hello, my name is Dr. Angelique Jenney and I am an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Social Work at the University of Calgary. I am contacting you today to ask you to participate in a research project that we are conducting entitled “Exploring the Use of Virtual Simulations to Promote Cross-Disciplinary Teaching and Learning in Inter-Professional Education in Addressing Childhood Exposure to Intimate Partner Violence (CEIPV)”, a collaboration with the faculties of Law, Social Work, and Nursing.We are reaching out to professors and educators in law faculties across Canada to complete an online survey of Canadian law schools exploring current curriculum and education initiatives to teach intimate partner violence (IPV) using experiential or simulation-based learning. As an educator in a Canadian Faculty of Law, you are eligible to participate in this study.The purpose of the online survey is to gain a better understanding of how IPV is taught and if simulation-based learning methodologies are already being implemented. Specific questions pertaining to curriculum, simulation-based learning, and teaching IPV will be asked. The survey will be administered using online software (Qualtrics) and will take approximately 20 minutes to complete. Participation in the survey will be completely anonymous.Should you wish to participate, please click on the following link:This link will take you to an online consent form: once you submit the consent form you will be taken to the survey. Your participation in the survey is completely voluntary and anonymous.We would also like to ask for your assistance in sharing this survey information with any of your colleagues who may be involved with creating or teaching curriculum relating to intimate partner violence or the utilization of simulation-based or experiential learning approaches. To share this survey, please forward this entire email and attachments to any appropriate colleague.If you would like more information about this study, please refer to the study information sheet attached to this email. This study has received ethics approval from the Conjoint Faculties Research Ethics Board (CFREB) at the University of Calgary (REB21-1110). If you have any questions about the study, please don’t hesitate to contact me at the phone number or email address below.Sincerely,Dr. Angelique Jenney
Dear Professor,
Researchers from multiple universities have partnered for an exciting new research project that aims to explore the workplace wellbeing and experiences of Canadian university professors, in relation with their linguistic backgrounds and diversity at work. The objectives are to understand if professors from diverse linguistic backgrounds (English, French, others) have different experiences related to their work environment, and overall to provide evidence to better support workplace quality of life and inclusion for all researchers.
In your role as a professor, we think that you would be able to provide valuable insights for this study and would like to invite you to participate in an online survey. The survey will ask multiple-choice questions about your experiences as a professor, for example your wellbeing, your projects, your resilience at work and your perceived productivity. Questions will also be included about your linguistic background and your perception of the linguistic context in your university and in academia.
To be eligible to participate you must…
- Be currently be employed as full-time faculty (regardless of level and permanence/tenure)
- Be employed in a psychology, sociology, law, or business department
- Be self-identifying as conducting research activities in addition to teaching
- Be able to read French or English (you will answer in the language of your choice)
- Be at least 18 years of age
Collecting the perspectives from professors speaking a diversity of language is important to achieve the objective of the study. You are welcome to participate no matter the language you are using in your workplace and in your research!
Your participation is entirely voluntary and the survey is expected to take approximately 30 minutes to complete over a secure online platform (i.e., Qualtrics). As a token of appreciation for your participation, you will receive a $10 e-gift card to your choice of Starbucks or Amazon.
To complete the survey or for more information, please click here. Your answers will be anonymous and confidential.
If you have any questions, you can contact Emily at [email protected] for English, and Simon at [email protected] for French.
Please share this invitation with your colleagues and thank you for your consideration!
Dr. Simon Coulombe, PhD
Dr. Sophie Meunier, PhD
Dr. Marina Doucerain, PhD
This study, titled Professeur(e), how are you doing? A survey on linguistic diversity and quality of life at work among university professors, has been approved by Wilfrid Laurier University REB #6156.
Le Groupe de recherche sur l'épanouissement des communautés à Wilfrid Laurier University mène une étude visant à explorer le bien-être de professeur.e.s et comment il est influencé par des facteurs liés à la diversité linguistique dans le monde académique. Notre équipe vous serait très reconnaissante de diffuser l'invitation jointe au présent courriel. Nous avons aussi joint deux diapositives de type PowerPoint (en format PDF) que vous pouvez utiliser pour présenter l'étude par exemple durant une réunion de votre unité ou que vous pouvez aussi faire circuler par courriel. Tous les documents de l'étude sont disponibles dans les deux langues officielles.
Si vous avez des questions, n'hésitez pas à me contacter!
Étudiante B.Sc, Psychologie et Neurosciences
Assistant de recherche, Groupe de recherche sur l'épanouissement des communautés
Wilfrid Laurier University
Cher·ère professeur·e,
Des chercheurs de plusieurs universités font équipe afin de lancer un projet de recherche innovant visant à explorer le bien-être au travail et les expériences des professeur·e·s d'université canadien·ne·s en relation avec leur identité linguistique et la diversité au travail. L’objectif de la recherche est de comprendre si les professeur·e·s possédant diverses origines linguistiques (anglais, français ou autre) ont des expériences différentes au sein de leur environnement de travail et, globalement, de fournir des informations pour mieux favoriser la qualité de vie et l’inclusion en milieu de travail de tou·te·s les chercheur·se·s.
En tant que professeur·e, nous pensons que vous pourriez fournir des informations précieuses pour cette étude et aimerions vous inviter à compléter un sondage en ligne. Ce dernier comportera des questions à choix multiples sur vos expériences en tant que professeur·e, par exemple en lien avec votre bien-être, vos projets et votre résilience au travail ainsi que votre productivité perçue. Des questions porteront également sur votre identité linguistique et votre perception du contexte linguistique au sein de votre université et du milieu universitaire.
Pour pouvoir participer, vous devez…
- Être actuellement employé·e comme professeur·e à temps plein (peu importe votre permanence/la durée de votre mandat et à quel niveau)
- Être employé·e dans un département/une faculté de psychologie, sociologie, droit ou gestion/administration
- Considérer que vous menez des activités de recherche en plus de l'enseignement
- Savoir lire le français ou l'anglais (vous répondrez dans la langue de votre choix)
- Avoir au moins 18 ans
Recueillir les points de vue de professeur·e·s parlant une diversité de langues est important afin d’atteindre l'objectif de l'étude. Vous êtes invité·e à participer peu importe la langue que vous utilisez sur votre lieu de travail et dans vos recherches!
Votre participation est entièrement volontaire et l’enquête devrait durer environ 30 minutes sur une plateforme en ligne sécurisée (c.-à-d., Qualtrics). En guise de remerciement pour votre participation, vous recevrez une carte-cadeau électronique de 10$ pour Starbucks ou Amazon (à votre choix).
Pour compléter le sondage ou pour plus d'informations, veuillez cliquer ici.
Vos réponses seront anonymes et confidentielles.
Pour toutes questions, n’hésitez pas à contacter Emily à [email protected] en anglais et Simon à [email protected] en français.
Nous vous invitons à partager cette invitation avec vos collègues et nous vous remercions de votre considération!
Simon Coulombe, PhD
Sophie Meunier, PhD
Marina Doucerain, PhD
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