Bulletin ACPD-CALT Bulletin
January 27 janvier 2023
...with our warmest wishes for a very happy New Year
....avec nos vœux les plus chaleureux pour une heureuse année 2023
CALT AT CONGRESS May 29, 30 2023 in Toronto:
Registration is now open and the Agenda for CALT's Meetings will be out in late Jan/early February.
Regulation of Lawyers .... and Law Schools? How ongoing debates about lawyer licensing affect law schools and legal education Fri Feb 10 230 PM EST |
Welcome to the Canadian Legal Academy: Assistant Professors Irina Cerić and Vincent Wong (Windsor Law) |
Appel a Communications : La Revue de l’enseignement du droit au Canada (REDAC). Call for Contributions Canadian Legal Education Annual Review (CLEAR) |
CALT.Online Session
Regulation of Lawyers .... and Law Schools? How ongoing debates about lawyer licensing affect law schools and legal education
Friday February 10 @ 1130 PT, 1230 MT, 130 CT, 230 EST, 330 AT (1.5 hours)
Details of panellists to follow.
In this session we aim to ensure that members of the Canadian Academy understand the ways that national and provincial level discussions about Lawyer licensing and entry to the licensing regimes in Canada implicate law schools and legal education directly and indirectly.
From CALT's perspective, law schools - and legal academics - must build positive and productive relationships with provincial regulators and the national Federation of Canadian Law Societies and must engage in debates about the future of licensing of lawyers. In this session we will describe the current landscape, note some areas of concern, illustrate different pressures facing various provinces, and note provincial level changes, and briefly describe what has happened in the UK over the past decade or so (very significant changes) to illustrate the reasons for attention to this matter. We will describe the ways in which this issue is another iteration of the age old trade school/academic subject debate, but will make efforts to argue that this dichotomy is unhelpful in understanding the complexity of today's legal profession and the challenges facing the Bar.
We will also hope for some group discussion on how to engage in positive ways with the local bar and regulators, and how we might ensure that this issue is appropriately on the table within our own law schools.
CALT's latest letter to the Federation is here. Membership feedback is very welcome: [email protected].
Get to Know Your New Colleagues in Civil Procedure & Legal Process
Friday March 10 at
11:30 PT, 12:30 PM MT, 130 CT, 230 ET, 330 AST (1 hour)
Come meet new Canadian legal scholars working in the areas of civil procedure and legal process!
Register here.
- Hassan Ahmad, Peter A. Allard School of Law, University of British Columbia
- Jérémy Boulanger-Bonnelly, McGill Law
- Suzanne Chiodo, Osgoode Hall Law School, York University
- Gerard Kennedy, Faculty of Law, University of Manitoba
- Alyssa King, Queen's University
- Patricia McMahon, Osgoode Hall Law School, York University
Moderator: Janet Mosher, Osgoode Hall Law School, York University
Call for Contributions Canadian Legal Education Annual Review (CLEAR)
The Canadian Legal Education Annual Review (CLEAR) is now open for submissions for Volume 11 starting February 20, 2023. Click here for more information.
Appel a Communications : La Revue de l’enseignement du droit au Canada (REDAC)
La Revue de l’enseignement du droit au Canada (REDAC) est maintenant ouverte aux soumissions pour le volume 11. Cliquez ici pour plus d'infos.
Welcome to the Canadian Legal Academy: Assistant Professors Irina Cerić and Vincent Wong (Windsor Law)
There are in fact four new professors at UWindsor Law since July 2022, but we will have to wait a bit longer to properly feature Mary Anne Vallianatos @MaryAnneV and Daniel Del Gobbo @danieldelgobbo (both will have their biographies up in 2023).
For now, a big welcome to new Assistant Professors Irina Ceric and Vincent Wong.
Irina Ceric
Irina Ceric (she/her) @irinaceric joined the Faculty of Law as an Assistant Professor in July of 2022. Prof. Ceric holds a PhD from Osgoode Hall Law School and comes to Windsor Law with a wealth of teaching, practice, and community experience. She is called to the Bars of British Columbia, Ontario, and New York.
Prof. Ceric’s core research interests lie in the intersection of law and social movements, with a particular focus on the regulation and criminalization of dissent by movements for social and environmental justice and Indigenous sovereignty. She has written extensively about the use of injunctions and contempt of court, a research interest that arose out of her work as a lawyer and legal support organizer. Prof. Ceric is currently at work on a book, based on her doctoral research, tracing the history and politics of the movement defence in Canada and the US since the late 1990s. Her research employs activist-scholar methodologies and draws on scholarly literature from both law scholarship and related disciplines, including law and society, social movement studies, clinical legal education, and abolitionism.
Prof. Ceric teaches Property Law and Access to Justice and her publications are available at academia.edu.
Vincent Wong
Vincent Wong @initialvw joined the University of Windsor Faculty of Law as an Assistant Professor in 2022. He is also a PhD Candidate at Osgoode Hall Law School, where his dissertation focuses on racial capitalism and the processes that produce and structure unfree status-excluded labour in Canada. He serves on the board of the Community Justice Collective (Tkaronto). Vincent holds a Bachelor of Commerce and Juris Doctor from the University of Toronto and a Master of Laws from Columbia Law School, where he was a Human Rights Fellow and James Kent Scholar.
Professor Wong’s research focuses in law and political economy – specifically at the nexus between migration, race, markets, and the law. He is particularly interested in how a Canadian context-specific critical race theory (CRT) can better inform and be informed by the practice of anti-racist and intersectional movement lawyering. Professor Wong is also interested in what critical frameworks of law and political economy have to offer in the context of understanding the emerging hub of the 21st century global economic order: China.
Prior to academia, Professor Wong worked as a Staff Lawyer at the Chinese and Southeast Asian Legal Clinic and Secretary of the Chinese Canadian National Council - Toronto Chapter. He has also previously held positions at the International Human Rights Program at the University of Toronto and the African American Policy Forum.
Recent Publications:
Vincent Wong, From RDS to IHRP: ‘Turning the Tables’ and the Limits of Canadian Judicial Understandings of Racism (2023, upcoming) Journal of Law and Social Policy.
Vincent Wong, Racial capitalism with Chinese Characteristics: analyzing the political economy of racialized dispossession and exploitation of Uyghur and other non-Han Indigenous populations in Xinjiang (2022) 3 African Journal of International Economic Law 1.
Vincent Wong, Ethnoracial Legal Clinics and the Praxis of Critical Race Theory in Canada (2020) 16:1 Journal of Law & Equality 63-92.
Access to Justice
Law, Migration, and Colonialism
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2023 CALT Awards: Deadline Feb 13 2023
Please see here to submit nominations for our 2023 Awards. Note that nominators must be members of CALT at the time of nomination, and nominees (or at least one nominee in the case of jointly authored papers) must be or become a member of CALT in order to accept any of the three CALT prizes:
- Scholarly Paper Prize
- CALT Prize for Scholarship of Teaching and Learning 2022
- CALT Prize for Academic Excellence
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Les Prix 2023
Veuillez voir ici pour soumettre des nominations pour nos prix 2023. Notez que les nominateurs doivent être membres de la CALT au moment de la nomination, et que les nominés (ou au moins un nominateur dans le cas d'articles rédigés conjointement) doivent être ou devenir membres de la CALT afin d'accepter l'un des trois prix de la CALT :
- Concours d’essai juridique de l’ACPD
- Prix de l’ACPD pour l’avancement des connaissances dans l’enseignement et l’apprentissage du droit
- Prix de l’ACPD pour l’excellence universitaire
Fresh Publications/Publications récentes
Saptarishi Bandopadhyay (osgoode), All is Well: Catastrophe and the Making of the Normal State (OUP 2022).
- Find the author on twitter at @saptarishi_b
Erez Aloni and Régine Tremblay (UBC), eds., House Rules: Changing Families, Evolving Norms, and the Role of the Law (UBC Press, 2022)
- Find the eds on twitter @AloniErez @reginetremblay
Vanessa Gruben, Graham Mayeda and Owen Rees, eds, Controversies in the Common Law: Tracing the Contributions of Chief Justice Beverley McLachlin (UTPress, 2022)
- find two of the eds on twitter at @vanessagruben @Graham_Mayeda
Now Available on CanLII: CANADIAN LEGAL EDUCATION ANNUAL REVIEW 2022 https://zcu.io/wdtG
- Dr. Alexandra Flynn (UBC Allard)– Acting Out City Hall: A How-to Guide
- Steven Ousko, Alexandre Lillo et Thomas Burelli (Ottawa) – La quête de l’enseignement du droit en ligne : les bénéfices pédagogiques de l’apprentissage par le jeu
- Andrew Flavelle Martin (Schulich) and Leslie Walden – The Incorporation of Government Lawyering in the Teaching of Legal Ethics in Canadian Law Schools.
- Katie Sykes (TRU) – Teaching Law Differently: Professional Identity Formation in a Nontraditional Law Course
- Garima Gupta – Student Evaluation at Law Schools: Bridging the Gap Between ‘Purpose’ and ‘Practice’
- Sean Rehaag (Osgoode) and Hilary Evans Cameron (TMU Alexander)– Making Space for Online Research Experiments in Law School Courses
- Nayha Acharya and Colin Jackson (Schulich)– What We Wish We Knew Then: A Backward and Forward Look at Learning and Teaching in Law School
[CLEAR] BOOK REVIEW Vanisha Sukdeo – Radical Hope: A Teaching Manifesto by Kevin Gannon, [Morgantown: West Virginia University Press, 2020]
Items relevant to teaching and learning in legal education can be sent by members to [email protected] re: ACPD-CALT Bulletin. We post positions available in the Canadian legal academy on our website when they come to our attention.
Nous publions les postes disponibles dans l'académie juridique canadienne sur notre siteweb lorsqu'ils sont portés à notre attention. Les nouvelles pertinents à l'enseignement et à l'apprentissage en éducation juridique peuvent être envoyés à [email protected] au sujet de: Bulletin ACPD CALT.
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