Articles from the 2009 CLEAR Journal.
Front Materials and Table of Contents
Re-Engaging Law Students in Legal Professionalism Through Student-Centred Curricular Design
Teaching, Professional Identity and Academic Lawyers: Canada and England - A Comparative Perspective
L'impact de la justice participative sur l'enseignement du droit
The Principles and Practices of Aboriginal Equity Programs in Canadian Law Schools: A Comparative Study of the Saskatchewan College of Law
The First Year Curriculum: Silo, Cubicle or Open Office?
Introduction to the Special Issue on the Federation of Law Societies Task Force on the Approved Law Degree
The "Approved" Common Law Degree
Response to the Consultation Paper of the Task Force on the Canadian Common Law Degree of the Federation of Law Societies of Canada December 15, 2008
Reponse au document de consultation du Groupe d'etude sur le diplome canadien en common law de la Federation des ordres professionels de juristes du Canada 15 decembre 2008
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