On September 26, 2023 CALT held an online discussion forum to discuss the proposals in the National Requirement Review Committee's Discussion paper and to consult about CALT's response to the Federation of Canadian Law Societies.
We urged all attendees to consider the proposals, to let their colleagues know about this, and to consider putting their comments in before the October 16 2023 deadline (send to [email protected]). The Discussion Paper is here (english only). The current version of the National Requirement is here.
More about the National Requirement
"The National Requirement, developed by the Task Force on the Canadian Common Law Degree (“Task Force”), was adopted by the Council of the Federation in 2009 and approved by Canada’s law societies in 2010. ....
The National Requirement specifies the skills and competencies required of both domestically and internationally trained graduates to be eligible for bar admission programs and establishes criteria for assessing proposals for new law school programs in Canada. ...
The Council of the Federation established the Canadian Common Law Program Approval Committee (“Approval Committee”) in 2012, with a mandate to assess compliance with the National Requirement....
(see National Requirement Review Committee Discussion Paper 2023 here 11)
Summary of FLSC Proposals
(click here for a ppt of these slides to use, share, download)
ACPD-CALT continues work on our response to the FLSC which will be posted once submitted. You can see some of the earlier correspondence with the FLSC during this Review round, here:
CALT's June 2023 Letter
CALT'S December 2022 Letter
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