
CALT brings together law teachers from across Canada in pursuit of common interests and concerns. We offer a place to share scholarship, to discuss teaching, and to look at those overarching issues of law and policy that relate to our academic and professional interests.

One of the things that CALT does is to organize an annual conference, offering panel and roundtable discussions, scholarly papers and teaching and learning workshops, to bring together legal academics and law teachers from across the country to share knowledge, ideas and experiences about law, justice and legal education. We’ve brought together experts to provide an informed voice to debates about Supreme Court appointments and the question of accreditation of law schools in Canada. We started the Canadian Legal Education Annual Review, which publishes research on teaching and learning in law, and we annually honour scholarship and teaching excellence through two awards. With this website, we inaugurate enhanced efforts to spread news about law teaching and scholarship to our members.

The objectives of CALT are listed in our Constitution:

(a) to generally promote the interests of Canadian law teachers;
(b) to contribute to the development and promotion of law teaching, to the improvement of legal education, and to the dissemination of knowledge and best practices in legal education;
(c) to contribute to the development and dissemination of research in law and legal education;
(d) to coordinate meetings and exchanges among law teachers from different faculties, regions or areas of research and teaching;
(e) to promote law reform and the improvement of the Canadian legal system; and
(f) such other activities as, in the opinion of the executive or members, may be in the best interests of the association.

By joining CALT, you contribute to the fulfilment of its objectives, but you also become part of a community of practice for legal education in Canada. By joining CALT, you also receive a copy of CLEAR, the Canadian Legal Education Annual Review, and a reduced rate at our annual conference.

Membership in the Canadian Association of Law Teachers is open to all law teachers who currently are or have been engaged in the teaching of law in a Canadian university or college, whether full or part-time. Associate membership in the Canadian Association of Law Teachers is open to all who are currently engaged in law teaching in countries other than Canada.

The Association is not representative of the law schools or their administration. We are representative of the law teachers and are primarily concerned with their concerns and interests.