Call for Papers
Family Law Reform
(special issue scheduled for publication, Summer 2023)
Sherbrooke, November 1, 2021
Following the presentation of Bill 2 – Loi portant sur la réforme du droit de la famille en matière de filiation et modifiant le Code civil en matière de droits de la personnalité et d’état civil, October 21, 2021, by the Minister of Justice Simon JolinBarrette, the Faculty of Law of the Université de Sherbrooke will host a one-day conference on this Family Law Reform proposal in the Spring of 2022.
This conference, organized under the direction of Professors Andréanne Malacket (Université de Sherbrooke) and Johanne Clouet (Université de Montréal), will be presided by the Honorable Nicholas Kasirer (Honorary President). It will bring together leading experts who will examine different facets of this substantial reform in private law, notably by addressing its impact on the following subjects:
- Filiation by blood;
- Filiation by assisted procreation, including surrogacy;
- Adoption;
- Gender identity;
- Tutorship and parental authority; • The right to know one’s origins.
The preliminary program as well as the date of the conference will be announced within the next few weeks.
In addition to this conference, the proceedings of which shall be published, the Revue de droit de l’Université de Sherbrooke has decided to issue a general call for papers.
Considering the importance of the issues raised by the legislative proposal, the Journal codirectors invite members of the scientific and professional communities to express their views on the different aspects of Quebec Family Law Reform. For example, submitted papers can focus on themes discussed during the conference or explore its repercussions on other fields of Law – youth protection, access to justice in family matters, inheritance law protecting the family of the deceased. Authors can also discuss the patrimonial situation of the spouses and common-law partners under Quebec law, including the conjugal regime and obligation of support.
The scientific committee that will supervise the selection of papers to be published will be headed by the conference directors, Professors Andréanne Malacket and Johanne Clouet. The submissions must have 15 to 30 pages in length (one and a half line spacing, notes included) and be sent before October 1, 2022 by email at the following address: [email protected]. All contributions will be evaluated through a double-blind peer review process. Authors must respect the journal's editorial policy, available on the Faculty of Law of the Université de Sherbrooke’s website: ***
The Revue de droit de l'Université de Sherbrooke was founded in 1970 to promote legal research. The Revue accepts original papers both in French and English. It also promotes and publishes multidisciplinary research and different approaches to Law that go beyond the strict classical framework of legal positivism.
Revue de droit de l’Université de Sherbrooke codirectors,
Pr Andréanne Malacket Pr Mathieu Devinat
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