We are pleased to announce that the Canadian Association of Law Teacher’s annual conference is resuming in 2021. The conference will be held in a virtual online format throughout the week of 7 to 11 June (which is the week following the virtual gathering of the Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities). A Call for Proposals will be issued soon. The CALT AGM will also be held during that week.
Subject to the level of response to the Call for Proposals, and logistical factors, our tentative plan is to schedule 6 plenary sessions over the course of the week, with no more than two sessions of up to two hours duration on any one day. The general focus of the conference will remain on legal education and pedagogy. We anticipate inviting general proposals with that focus, as well as inviting proposals engaging two specific themes: one theme focusing on lessons from adapting to teaching in the pandemic; the other reaching back to the theme of the cancelled 2020 conference, “Bridging Divides: Confronting Colonialism & Anti-Black Racism.”
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