Bulletin ACPD-CALT Bulletin
December 19 2022 decembre 19
Become a CALT member Devenir membre de l'ACPD
- Constitutional Crossroads Conference at Allard
- New Book by Prof. S. van Praagh (25% off)
- Baxter Family Federalism competition (students & early career)
Items relevant to teaching and learning in legal education can be sent by members to [email protected] re: ACPD-CALT Bulletin. We post positions available in the Canadian legal academy on our website when they come to our attention.
Nous publions les postes disponibles dans l'académie juridique canadienne sur notre siteweb lorsqu'ils sont portés à notre attention. Les nouvelles pertinents à l'enseignement et à l'apprentissage en éducation juridique peuvent être envoyés à [email protected] au sujet de: Bulletin ACPD CALT.
CALT responds to FLSC National Requirement Review
In brief, we expressed concern about process and substance of the review, focusing on the need for the review to be collaborative, and evidence based. We suggested that competency based approaches should look at the whole lawyer and the whole contiuum of legal education. We also expressed concern about some approaches which seem to have some traction at the moment but are based on little or no evidence.
Membership feedback is very welcome: [email protected].
Call for Contributions Canadian Legal Education Annual Review (CLEAR)
The Canadian Legal Education Annual Review (CLEAR) is now open for submissions for Volume 11 until February 20, 2023. TCLEAR is a peer-reviewed annual publication of the Canadian Association of Law Teachers. The aim of the journal is to foster scholarly exchange on issues related to legal education relevant to Canadian legal educators, professors, graduate students, and those interested in legal education. In particular, the journal aims to encourage critical and scholarly reflection on the aspirations, goals, objectives, values, and cultures of legal education, and the processes of legal education.he 2022 issue of the Canadian Legal Education Annual Review is now available on CanLII! https://zcu.io/wdtG
Submissions are encouraged from professionals and researchers in the field of legal education, legal practitioners, and graduate students. For Volume 11, articles in either English or French addressing education in Canadian law schools are particularly encouraged, but all articles that address the broader subject of legal education will also be considered.
Articles of should be no more than approximately 8000 words, though longer articles may be considered on a case-by-case basis, and book reviews should be no more than 2000 words. Articles will be selected based on their fit with Volume 11 and the overall theme of the Journal, and those selected that have received positive peer-reviews will proceed to the publication stage. The Journal will also consider publishing non-peer-reviewed pieces such as pedagogical essays,
public lectures, and other items related to innovations in pedagogy.
Articles should be double-spaced in 12-point Times New Roman font with standard margins, and footnotes that conform with the most recent edition of the Canadian Guide to Uniform Legal Citation.
To submit, please submit your article in .doc or .docx format, along with a copy of your CV, to [email protected]. Please also include your name, institutional affiliation, and a short abstract in the body of the email.
Welcome to the Canadian Legal Academy
In this edition, we bring you four not-so-new but appointed since March 2020 members at the Faculty of Law University of Alberta.

Tamara (Baldhead) Pearl
On Feb 17 2022, the University of Alberta Faculty of Law website announced the appointment of Tamara (Baldhead) Pearl as an Indigenous assistant law professor.<“I am deeply honoured to join this team of exceptional legal scholars,” said Pearl. “When offered this position, I was humbled and overjoyed at the opportunity to contribute to the quality education of law students with an Indigenous lens.”....Pearl originally joined the Faculty as the Indigenous support manager in 2021, where she provided crucial support to Indigenous students.In this role, Pearl launched the Wahkohtowin Law and Governance Lodge summer program, Launchpad into Law, which was created to expose Indigenous law students to Indigenous legal traditions and train them in core legal skills prior to the beginning of their first law school year.“I’ve learned much along the way, but the sense of community that Indigenous students have for each other is most memorable for me in that role,” said Pearl.Pearl, who is Nēhiyaw (Plains-Cree) from One Arrow First Nation, grew up in Saskatoon’s core neighbourhoods. She spent summers on reserve with family, where she participated in ceremony and many community social gatherings.After completing a BA in Anthropology from the University of Saskatchewan, Pearl went on to earn her JD and LLM from the same institution. She is now undertaking a PhD in Law at the University of Ottawa.As an assistant professor, Pearl plans to educate law students on how Indigenous peoples are directly affected by Canadian laws — but she will also challenge the dominant settler colonial framework of Canada’s legal curriculum by incorporating her research focus on “anti-dominance training.”“For me the most specific issue that needs the most attention right now is reconciliation,” said Pearl. “Anti-dominance means to challenge deeply rooted narratives of settler-colonial dominance in law schools, which I believe is an effective prerequisite for meaningful and mutual reconciliation, which is the focus of my research.”....“What I am hoping to achieve in my new role as assistant professor, and as an Indigenous woman, is to help train law students to not only better our communities, but bridge them,” said Pearl. “We can do this through māmawī wīcihitowin or ‘working together and helping one another.’”>Faith Aboyeji
On July 1, Faith Aboyeji [joined] the Faculty as assistant professor. Her research focuses on intellectual property and public interest, with specific emphasis on the nexus between copyright and global development goals. She is also researching the adaptation of copyright laws to support digital education in a pandemic and post-pandemic world.Aboyeji holds a Berkman Klein Fellowship at the Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society, Harvard University. She has also held the Schulich Fellowship at the Schulich School of Law, Dalhousie University, and a research fellowship at the prestigious Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition in Germany.Aboyeji graduated from the University of Ilorin, Nigeria and the Nigerian Law School, and practised with one of the foremost law firms in Nigeria. She recently completed her PhD in international copyright law and human development at RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia.As a faculty member, Aboyeji hopes to design a course in Enterprise Law that will adopt experiential learning methods to equip students to design legal solutions for entrepreneurs and start-ups....."Godwin Dzah
The Faculty [welcomed] Godwin Dzah as assistant professor on July 1 [2022]. Until his appointment, Dzah held a position as Provost’s Postdoctoral Fellow at Osgoode Hall Law School, York University.“The opportunity to be part of and contribute to the exceptional work going on here makes me very excited to be joining the University of Alberta community. I am looking forward to sustaining the cosmopolitan outlook on teaching and research that the Faculty of Law is already known for. I am also thrilled to be able to support the many wonderful and talented students at the law school,” he said.Dzah, who previously practised as an attorney and taught law in Ghana, focuses his research on international environmental law, public international law, climate change and sustainable development law. Dzah earned both a BA and LLB from the University of Ghana, a Qualifying Certificate in Law at the Ghana School of Law, and an LLM from Harvard Law School.He completed a United Nations-Nippon Foundation fellowship at the Schulich School of Law, Dalhousie University and the Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea, Office of Legal Affairs at the United Nations Secretariat. He also holds a PhD in Law from the Peter Allard School of Law, University of British Columbia, where his dissertation, Sustainable Development: Africa’s Hidden and Not-So-Hidden Contribution to its Law, Politics and History, was awarded the Dean’s Prize for the Best Doctoral Thesis in Law.....An established writer of a number of publications relating to environmental law, international law and law of the sea, his work has appeared in peer-reviewed journals including the African Journal of International and Comparative Law and the Ocean Yearbook. Dzah recently co-authored The African Human Rights System as ‘Norm Leader’: Three Case Studies that was published in the African Human Rights Law Journal in 2021.Dzah has consulted locally and internationally for state agencies, international organizations, and research institutions in the areas of environmental law, law and development, and human rights in Ghana and other parts of Africa as well as in Canada.Rebeca Macias Gimenez
"Rebeca Macias Gimenez [joined] the Faculty as a full-time assistant lecturer September 1 [2022]. Macias Gimenez – who holds a PhD from the University of Victoria where she focused on Indigenous and environmental issues – brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to this position.During the Fall and Winter terms of the 2022-23 school year, she will teach Constitutional Law to first-year students. During the Winter term, she will also teach a course on Indigenous peoples and the law.....Macias Gimenez is already acquainted with the Faculty. Since 2021 she has been pursuing postdoctoral work remotely at the Faculty under Professor Hadley Friedland's supervision. As part of this work, she has been examining how the Dunne-zaa and Cree communities on Treaty 8 territory in northern British Columbia affirm jurisdiction over their territory and make decisions about natural resources......"Welcome to all these new members of the law teaching community! Back to top2023 CALT Awards: Deadline Feb 13 2023
Please see here to submit nominations for our 2023 Awards. Note that nominators must be members of CALT at the time of nomination, and nominees (or at least one nominee in the case of jointly authored papers) must be or become a member of CALT in order to accept any of the three CALT prizes:Back to top
- Scholarly Paper Prize
- CALT Prize for Scholarship of Teaching and Learning 2022
- CALT Prize for Academic Excellence
Les Prix 2023
Concours d’essai juridique de l’ACPD
Prix de l’ACPD pour l’avancement des connaissances dans l’enseignement et l’apprentissage du droit
Prix de l’ACPD pour l’excellence universitaire
Ce prix souligne la contribution exceptionnelle à la recherche et à l'enseignement du droit d'un professeur de droit canadien en milieu de carrière.Back to top
Appel a Communications : La Revue de l’enseignement du droit au Canada (REDAC)
La Revue de l’enseignement du droit au Canada (REDAC) est maintenant ouverte aux soumissions pour le volume 11.REDAC est une revue avec comité de lecture publiée une fois par année par l’Association canadienne des professeurs de droit (ACPD). Elle a pour but de promouvoir des échanges entre enseignant.es universitaires, y compris les étudiant.es aux études supérieures, sur des sujets reliés à l’enseignement du droit. En particulier, la revue vise à s’interroger sur les aspirations, les objectifs, les valeurs et les cultures des programmes de droit ainsi que sur les pratiques pédagogiques utilisées dans l’enseignement du droit.Pour le volume 11 de la Revue, les professionnel.les et les chercheur.es dans le domaine de l’éducation juridique, les praticien.nes du droit et les étudiant.es aux études supérieures sont encouragé.es à soumettre des articles en anglais ou en français qui traitent particulièrement de la question de l’éducation dans les facultés de droit canadiennes. Néanmoins, tous les articles qui visent plus largement le sujet de l’éducation juridique seront également pris en considération.Les articles ne devraient normalement pas excéder environ 8000 mots, mais des articles plus longs peuvent être considérés au cas par cas. Les recensions de livres ne doivent pas dépasser 2000 mots. Les articles seront sélectionnés en fonction de leurs adéquations aux objectifs du volume 11 et le thème général de la revue. Ceux qui auront été sélectionnés et auront fait l’objet d'une évaluation positive par des pairs passeront au stade de la publication. La Revue envisage également de publier des articles non évalués par des pairs, tels que des essais pédagogiques, des conférences publiques et d’autres textes liés aux innovations en matière de pédagogie.Les articles devraient être écrits à double interligne en police Times New Roman taille de 12 avec des marges standardisées et des notes de bas de page qui conforment aux règles de la dernière édition du Manuel canadien de la référence juridique.Pour soumettre votre article, veuillez l’envoyer en format .doc ou .docx, accompagné d’une copie de votre CV, à [email protected]. Veuillez également inclure votre nom, votre affiliation institutionnelle et un bref résumé dans le corps du courriel. Back to topBienvenue à l'Académie juridique canadienne
Il y a beaucoup de nouveaux visages à l'Académie juridique canadienne pour 2022 (nous savons aussi que ceux qui se sont joints en 2020 et 2021 ont eu une introduction plutôt réduite à la communauté en raison de la pandémie). Nous présenterons une école ou deux dans chaque bulletin, alors si vous souhaitez que vos nouveaux collègues soient reconnus ici, veuillez nous envoyer un mot à [email protected].Dans cette édition, nous vous présentons quatre membres de la Faculté de droit de l'Université de l'Alberta (celle d'Edmonton), qui ne sont pas tout à fait nouveaux mais qui ont été nommés en mars 2020.

Tamara (Baldhead) Pearl
Le 17 février 2022, le site Web de la faculté de droit de l'Université de l'Alberta a annoncé la nomination de Tamara (Baldhead) Pearl au poste de professeur adjoint de droit autochtone.<br />"Je suis profondément honorée de me joindre à cette équipe de juristes exceptionnels", a déclaré Mme Pearl. "Lorsqu'on m'a proposé ce poste, j'ai fait preuve d'humilité et j'ai été comblée par l'opportunité de contribuer à l'éducation de qualité des étudiants en droit avec une lentille indigène."
....Pearl a initialement rejoint la faculté en tant que responsable du soutien aux autochtones en 2021, où elle a apporté un soutien crucial aux étudiants autochtones.
À ce titre, Pearl a lancé le programme d'été du Wahkohtowin Law and Governance Lodge, Launchpad into Law, qui a été créé pour exposer les étudiants en droit autochtones aux traditions juridiques autochtones et les former aux compétences juridiques de base avant le début de leur première année de droit.
"J'ai beaucoup appris en cours de route, mais c'est le sens de la communauté que les étudiants autochtones ont les uns pour les autres qui est le plus mémorable pour moi dans ce rôle", a déclaré Pearl.
Pearl, qui est Nēhiyaw (Cri des plaines) de la Première nation One Arrow, a grandi dans les quartiers centraux de Saskatoon. Elle passait les étés dans la réserve avec sa famille, où elle participait aux cérémonies et à de nombreux rassemblements sociaux communautaires.
Après avoir obtenu un baccalauréat en anthropologie de l'Université de la Saskatchewan, Pearl a poursuivi ses études en obtenant un JD et un LLM de la même institution. Elle entreprend maintenant un doctorat en droit à l'Université d'Ottawa.
En tant que professeure adjointe, Mme Pearl a l'intention d'enseigner aux étudiants en droit comment les peuples autochtones sont directement touchés par les lois canadiennes, mais elle entend également remettre en question le cadre colonial dominant des colons dans le programme d'études juridiques du Canada en y intégrant ses recherches sur la "formation anti-dominance".
"Pour moi, la question la plus spécifique qui nécessite le plus d'attention en ce moment est la réconciliation", a déclaré Pearl. "L'anti-dominance signifie remettre en question les récits profondément enracinés de la domination coloniale dans les écoles de droit, ce qui, selon moi, est une condition préalable efficace pour une réconciliation significative et mutuelle, qui est l'objet de ma recherche."
"Ce que j'espère réaliser dans mon nouveau rôle de professeur adjoint, et en tant que femme autochtone, c'est de contribuer à former des étudiants en droit pour non seulement améliorer nos communautés, mais aussi les rapprocher", a déclaré Pearl. "Nous pouvons y parvenir grâce à māmawī wīcihitowin ou 'travailler ensemble et s'entraider'.">.
Godwin Dzah
La Faculté a accueilli Godwin Dzah comme professeur adjoint le 1er juillet [2022]. Jusqu'à sa nomination, M. Dzah occupait un poste de boursier postdoctoral du doyen à la Osgoode Hall Law School de l'Université York.
....M. Dzah, qui a précédemment exercé la profession d'avocat et enseigné le droit au Ghana, concentre ses recherches sur le droit international de l'environnement, le droit international public, le changement climatique et le droit du développement durable. M. Dzah est titulaire d'un BA et d'un LLB de l'université du Ghana, d'un certificat de qualification en droit de la Ghana School of Law et d'un LLM de la Harvard Law School.
Il a obtenu une bourse de la United Nations-Nippon Foundation à la Schulich School of Law de l'université Dalhousie et à la Division des affaires maritimes et du droit de la mer du Bureau des affaires juridiques du Secrétariat des Nations unies. Il est également titulaire d'un doctorat en droit de la Peter Allard School of Law de l'université de Colombie-Britannique, où sa thèse, intitulée Sustainable Development : Africa's Hidden and Not-So-Hidden Contribution to its Law, Politics and History, a reçu le prix du doyen pour la meilleure thèse de doctorat en droit.
....Auteur reconnu d'un certain nombre de publications relatives au droit de l'environnement, au droit international et au droit de la mer, ses travaux ont été publiés dans des revues évaluées par des pairs, notamment l'African Journal of International and Comparative Law et l'Ocean Yearbook. Dzah a récemment co-écrit The African Human Rights System as 'Norm Leader' : Three Case Studies qui a été publié dans le African Human Rights Law Journal en 2021.
M. Dzah a été consultant au niveau local et international pour des organismes publics, des organisations internationales et des instituts de recherche dans les domaines du droit de l'environnement, du droit et du développement et des droits de l'homme au Ghana et dans d'autres régions d'Afrique ainsi qu'au Canada.
Faith Aboyeji
Le 1er juillet, Faith Aboyeji a rejoint le corps professoral en tant que professeur adjoint. Ses recherches portent sur la propriété intellectuelle et l'intérêt public, avec un accent particulier sur le lien entre le droit d'auteur et les objectifs de développement mondial. Elle étudie également l'adaptation des lois sur le droit d'auteur pour soutenir l'éducation numérique dans un monde pandémique et post-pandémique.
Mme Aboyeji est membre du Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society de l'université de Harvard. Elle a également été Schulich Fellow à la Schulich School of Law de l'Université Dalhousie et Research Fellow au prestigieux Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition en Allemagne.
Mme Aboyeji est diplômée de l'université d'Ilorin (Nigeria) et de la Nigerian Law School, et a exercé dans l'un des principaux cabinets d'avocats du Nigeria. Elle a récemment terminé son doctorat en droit international du droit d'auteur et développement humain à l'université RMIT de Melbourne, en Australie.
En tant que membre du corps enseignant, Mme Aboyeji espère concevoir un cours de droit des affaires qui adoptera des méthodes d'apprentissage par l'expérience pour permettre aux étudiants de concevoir des solutions juridiques pour les entrepreneurs et les startups....."
Rebecca Macias Gimenez
"Rebeca Macias Gimenez s'est jointe à la faculté en tant que chargée de cours adjointe à temps plein le 1er septembre [2022]. Mme Macias Gimenez - qui est titulaire d'un doctorat de l'Université de Victoria, où elle s'est concentrée sur les questions autochtones et environnementales - apporte une grande richesse de connaissances et d'expérience à ce poste.
Pendant les trimestres d'automne et d'hiver de l'année scolaire 2022-23, elle enseignera le droit constitutionnel aux étudiants de première année. Au cours du trimestre d'hiver, elle enseignera également un cours sur les peuples autochtones et le droit.....Mme Macias Gimenez connaît déjà bien la faculté. Depuis 2021, elle poursuit un travail postdoctoral à distance à la Faculté, sous la supervision du professeur Hadley Friedland. Dans le cadre de ce travail, elle a examiné comment les communautés Dunne-zaa et Cree sur le territoire du Traité 8 dans le nord de la Colombie-Britannique affirment leur compétence sur leur territoire et prennent des décisions concernant les ressources naturelles.
...."Bienvenue à tous ces nouveaux membres de la communauté des enseignants en droit!
Conference: Constitutional Crossroads in Canada and Around the World
January 12 2023 at UBC Allard School of Law and via zoom.
New Book: Building Justice: Frank Iacobucci and the Life Cycles of Law
Get it here (use code Iacobucci25 for 25% off)
By Shauna Van Praagh
September 2022 | 9781487566289| 376 pp | 9 b&w illustrations | Hardcover & eBook $36.95
Building Justice draws on the inspiring life of former Canadian Supreme Court Justice Frank Iacobucci to offer insight into the meaning of engaged citizenship through law. Ignoring early advice that he had the wrong kind of name to go to law school, Frank Iacobucci, the son of Italian immigrants, made a name for himself as an outstanding Canadian jurist. Serving as justice of the Supreme Court of Canada from 1991 to 2004, Iacobucci was also professor and dean of law at the University of Toronto and deputy minister of justice for Canada.
In Building Justice, Shauna Van Praagh weaves together the voices of individuals whose paths and projects have intersected with those of Frank Iacobucci. The book provides a compelling consideration of the study and practice of law as it follows the stages of Iacobucci’s life and career: from his childhood in Vancouver, his practice as a young lawyer, his time at the University of Toronto and with the Federal Department of Justice, his work as a judge at the highest level of court, and his significant engagement with Canada’s ongoing response to the legacy of residential schools. Building Justice is a beautifully written biography in which the stories of one jurist serve to explore and illustrate engaged citizenship through law.
To read the prologue, click here.
Call for Papers
Federalism: What makes it work (or not!)
The Baxter Family Essay Competition on Federalism 2022-2023
McGill University’s Faculty of Law and the Peter MacKell Chair in Federalism are proud to announce that the Baxter Family Competition on Federalism will be returning for a fourth edition in early 2023. This prestigious bi-annual competition is made possible through the generous support of Rachel Baxter (BSc’84, BCL’88) and Colin Baxter (BCL’90, LLB’90).
The Essay Competition seeks to promote informed debate on federalism by students and young professionals from around the world. The Competition is open to law and political science students/PhD candidates, junior scholars and practitioners who graduated in these disciplines.
Over the first three editions, we received on average thirty high-quality submissions, with authors originating from a total of twenty-two countries and with various degrees of experience. We enthusiastically expect that the 2023 edition will again attract a rich diversity of contributions.
The three winners will be given the opportunity to present their paper at a Symposium in May 2023 in Montreal. First-, second- and third-place winners will receive prizes of $5,000, $3,000, and $1,000 (CAD) respectively.
The prizes are awarded by a stellar international jury: https://www.mcgill.ca/law/research/essay-contests/baxter-competition-federalism
Participants are invited to submit an original essay related to the fourth edition’s overall theme, Federalism: What makes it work (or not!), by February 6th, 2023.
This broad theme welcomes reflections about the institutional, political and cultural elements that explain successes and failures of federalism, whether small scale or at the macro level. We particularly welcome analyses which explore the potential and pitfalls of cooperative federalism. Comparative angles are especially encouraged.
Submission Guidelines – 2023 Edition
Author eligibility
- All undergraduate or graduate students in law or political science students, as well as junior scholars, lawyers or practitioners who graduated in these disciplines with five (5) years of working experience or less, from anywhere around the world.
- To be eligible, authors must either
o Be currently enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program in law or political science;
o Hold a law or political science degree and have obtained their most recent degree (in law or political science, or otherwise) after February 6th, 2018; or
o Have been admitted to the Bar (or the local equivalent) after February 6th, 2018.
o Papers may be co-authored, to the extent that each author is eligible. If the submitted paper is selected, the Prize would be divided between authors.
Criteria for submission
- Original text in English or in French;
- Maximum of 8,000 words for texts in English and of 8,800 words for texts in French (including, in both languages, references). The word count should appear on the first page;
- Text not yet submitted for publication as of February 6th, 2023;
- Main text written in 12-point font, double-spaced, with 2.5 cm (1 inch) margins on all sides;
- Numbered in the upper right corner;
- Submitted in Microsoft Word format;
- The main text should be anonymised;
- Must include complete references in footnotes;
- Must include an abstract summarizing the main question and main conclusions (maximum 200 words).
- It should be accompanied by a distinct document that includes
o title
o author’s name
o author’s contact information (e-mail, phone number, address)
o statement affirming the eligibility for the Competition (University affiliation or date of graduation)
o unpublished status of the paper;
Deadline for submission of essays: February 6th, 2023, at 11:59 pm, Eastern Standard Time (Montreal time). Submissions are to be emailed to Professor Johanne Poirier, Peter MacKell Chair in Federalism, at [email protected].
The prize-winning papers of the 2017, 2019 and 2021 editions of the Baxter Family Competition on federalism may be found at https://www.mcgill.ca/law/research/essay-contests/baxter-competition-federalismhttps://www.mcgill.ca/law/research/essay-contests/baxter-competition-federalism
For more information, please contact Professor Johanne Poirier at [email protected]
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